Pumpkin Spice

Friday, October 03, 2014 2 Comments A + a -

It's Autumn. Actually, I have been faking the autumn smell since September for two reasons. First, I like the smell. It makes me feel all cozy inside. Second, I found that the flies hate it, the cinnamon part of it, I guess.

Pumpkin Spice Scent Woman Blog
Can you tell? I love the pumpkin stuff scent.

 Anyway, they disappeared since I have been putting pumpkin stuff scented wax in my Scentsy warmer. Or is it just, it's getting cold so the flies died?

About this time last year, I took pictures of pumpkins I grew in the backyard. This year, I have nothing but weeds and the young resilient fruit trees and berries. I can't bear to look at the backyard. I will deal with it later. I just lost my motivation to do much gardening this year, that I barely put much effort in my square foot garden in front of the house.

I tell myself, I will be better next year and be myself again a hundred per cent. I will no longer be depressed. Next year, I will have my own pumpkins . . .  and okra, corn, squash, peas, basil, lettuce . . . Did I forget something?

At work, there are no signs of autumn coming yet, except for the flu shots.  Jane goes around checking if we all got our immunization, as it is required. I got mine already, of course. I learned from personal experience to be proactive and aim on prevention.  I got sick with flu one time before, and I thought I was hit by a truck and each time I tried to get up, I was hit repeatedly and again. 

Then, of course, there were some patients in the previous years who were so immunocompromised that a flu could get really bad and deadly.

Some staff voiced concern about Ebola.  What if we admit a patient with it?
In-service on this is coming soon, we heard.

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October 4, 2014 at 1:33:00 PM MDT delete

I neglected my garden this year, too. I just couldn't get myself excited about it, even though it's usually one of the few things that can consistently lift my heart. The joke was on me, though. While the flower beds came up weeds, they also came up volunteers. Sunflowers and lupine everywhere.

Would you be interested in some lupine seeds for your garden next year? I would love to be able to share them. Drop me a line with a mailing address, and I'll send some seeds from this year's volunteers. There's no pressure, and no strings. lucien (at) sunflower muse (dot) com


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