Joyful Wednesday: How Not to Worry

Wednesday, October 01, 2014 2 Comments A + a -

oday, I decided to join the Blogher’s NaBloPoMo, (National Blog Posting Month).  This month’s topic is crunch.  I hope that with this group, I get inspired to blog daily for the whole month.  I heard that NaBloPoMo rewards exceptional bloggers in November.  I am no near being “exceptional” but the thought of blogging together with great bloggers is a reward in itself for me.

Early Fall Woman blog
Not much of falling leaves yet in
Lakewood,just a few, and not enough 
for stepping into to make the
"crunch, crunch" sounds.
First thing today, (well, after saying the joyful mysteries in rosary) I walked my dogs around the neighborhood.  Our area has not been hit with extreme cold yet so the leaves pretty much are staying where they are--up there in the trees.  No carpet of dry leaves cover the ground yet--just a few leaves here and there.  Needless to say, I have nothing crunchy to write about.

How Not to Worry

Later on, I drove to Longmont to meet with my soul mate.  He has been moving to a new house for two weeks now.  He still is not done.  I helped him last week with cleaning.  This time, I offered no cleaning but I brought him lunch—burgers.  We had an easy time and his border collie played with me as if he has not seen me for ten years.  He wrestled me to the floor.  He thought I came there just for him following me around even to the bathroom. 

Paul and I just ate and talked.  Of course, I have to mention my son a lot, the majority of the time, so the talk did not remain all “that” joyful.

The social worker assigned to my son’s case called again today.  She will recommend in home placement with extensive in-home therapy for my son and the family.  I hope it works.  One thing for sure, and I told her, my son will not willingly stay home.  There needs to be some kind of restraint like an ankle monitor, house arrest, whatever it takes, less than out of home placement.  We will see.  Will the judge take her suggestion or the district attorney’s which is a minimum of twelve months out-of-home placement?

I think about my son a lot. . .  It is time to put my worries in my worry file.

Oh well, at least, I get to do something a little fun.  I saw Paul for a couple of hours.  He and his dog are always happy to see me regardless of the sad stories I bring.

Smiley Face, Don't Worry Be Happy Hat
by kylenewman. Look at more Dont Hats at zazzle

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MedSpa Nurse Nurse Volunteer Certified Critical Care Cardiac Surgery


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October 2, 2014 at 1:11:00 AM MDT delete

Glad you have someone there for you. And a walk with dogs is a good way to clear the mind. Keep doing what you're doing. One day at a time...and try not to worry. The stress will eat you alive. Just have faith God is by your side...every step of the way.


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