Holiday Fitness Plan Day 6: The Real Scary Part of Halloween

Friday, October 31, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

Today is the day—Halloween—the day that unofficially starts the beginning of my holiday overeating season.  Now that I consciously try to watch my caloric intake to avoid gaining weight over the holiday season, the scariest part of this day, really, is not the ghosts but the Halloween candy that surrounds me especially at work. Well, okay, the movie on Hulu daughter and I watched on Ouija board played by a group of friends was scary too.  It’s not that one in the theaters.  I have not seen that one yet.

Anyway, about me, how did I do today?  Look at the table below--not bad, with the walking credit I earned from walking at work.  If I did not log my food intake today, I would have eaten more candies.  However, I did and I ate within my limits.

How about  you?   How many candies did you eat today?

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