Falling Leaves and Motivation

Thursday, October 02, 2014 2 Comments A + a -

I had an easy day at work today.  I had been trying to get my dear patients ready to transfer out the first hour (even before I saw and talked to the residents and doctors).  Finally, they both transferred out in the afternoon.  Part of me wanted to keep them.  They were so cute and good patients, you know, the pleasant and compliant types.  But they were just too well and stable, I could not keep them. It just won’t be right.  It is expensive staying in the ICU.

By six thirty pm, we, nurses, were all gathered at the nurse’s station, not stuck in the patient’s rooms one hour before we leave.  That is a good sign.  Then somebody sang a few lines from the song, All About the Bass.  Most responded they like the song.  I like it too before I found out the lyrics.  It has a retro-type, catchy tune.  This is not an autumn song entry to fulfill the topic of the day for the NaBloPoMo.  But it is funny, I have to include it to this post.  Here is a clean version cover by Kate Davis.


Now, here’s is an autumish song for NaBloPoMo with a motivating message--do good and help others.

Falling Leaves

Music by Primitive Quartet

MedSpa Nurse Nurse Volunteer Certified Critical Care Cardiac Surgery


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October 3, 2014 at 1:07:00 PM MDT delete

As catchy as that first tune is, I don't really care for the words, either. Shaming one group to prop another up is never the right way to go. The second song does have some beautiful lyrics, though.

Here's hoping for more good days for you! :)


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