What I Learned From My Teen: Be Happy #2

Saturday, October 04, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

Iced Tea Depression Blog
Even my iced tea, along with my
son, reminds me to smile.
oday, my daughter and I visited my son in the Juvenile Hall.  This is the second visit this week.  Newcomers like him can only have one visit a week but because he earned enough points from good behavior and listening attentively in academic classes, he can receive two visits now from me.

Lesson from my teen--be happy.

He greeted us with a smile.  Then his smile turned into frown.  I could see his muscles tense as he spoke.

“There was a boy here around twelve years old.  He was bragging why he is here.  He raped a four-year old girl. 


He continued, “Who does that?  He’s stupid.  The older kids beat him up.  On the third day he’s gone.”

After a while, he mentioned, the only thing he did not like when we visit was, he got strip searched when we leave.

They wanted to make sure we did not give him any contraband. 

So, I asked, "would you rather us not visit as often as we can?"

“Well, I’d rather you bail me out,” he said with a smile.

“I will think about it.”

I had a big slice of this.
Again, I know the Juvenile Hall is not the best place for him.  I am sure there are many kids there who have done many things—felony, dark evil acts.  However, right now, I do not have a better place for him.  He needs to get through his court dates.  He ran away more than sixteen times in the past, missed three court dates, did not comply with probation requirements, etc.  Oh well.

Congratulations for
passing the NCLEX nursing
board exam.
Later on at night, I get to be with my Philippine nursing group, PNACO, celebrating a new member’s passing of the nursing board.

Tonight, I remember my son as I saw him smile earlier today.  :)

He seemed to be happy and accepting that he is in Juvenile Hall, and that he made mistakes and has to  to be there for now (I hope). 

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