The Halloween Prank

Saturday, October 31, 2015 22 Comments A + a -

ith cold feet, I got out of bed this morning when my daughter rushed in my bedroom.

The cops are in the house looking for my friend. I told them you are sleeping . . . ”

Only partly dressed, I looked down on myself and instantly felt violated without being seen yet by the unwelcomed “guests” in my house.

Your friend is here?”


The cops are here? You let them in?”

"I thought I have to. I don't want to get in trouble."

I got fully dressed. The cops was just coming back from the basement to the main level of the house.

You came here searching in my house without my consent?”

She let us in.”

She's a minor!”

She lives here, doesn't she? She can let us in if she wants . . . “

Well, I want you guys out.”

So they left after asking my daughter, if she hears anything about her friend, let the police know. I would have let them search inside willingly but they knew I was inside the house and they did not ask for me. I expect courtesy that I am asked first before they went in searching inside.

Anyway, the kid they were looking for was not in my property. Apparently, he went running after his siblings with a knife and then rushed out of the house early this morning. His parents called the cops after him.

He later returned. He “just” played a prank in this Halloween morning. He might have thought he is too old to “trick or treat,” so he decided to play a troublesome “trick” to scare his family. I understand, this day is one of the days where mischief is in the air. But while a little bit of innocent fun is acceptable, this prank is not okay.

Enough said. What am I thankful this week?

Simple Reasons to be Thankful

  1. Well, I worked last Sunday. So I didn't go to mass but I sacrifice my day instead working--taking care of my patients, with pay, of course. I am thankful for my job in the same hospital for eight years now.
  2. I am getting over a cold. I am thankful for my health. Achoo. I did not spread it to my family.
    volleyball, varsity, parenting blog
    Daughter's back in varsity volleyball
  3. I am thankful my daughter is back after a week after running away. She came back on her own, went back to work, her volleyball, and her school. She paid for her absence with an overnight stay in the juvenile hall. I hope this is the last. I am thankful she decided to come home.
  4. I am thankful for my son who is doing better in school compared to last year when he hardly went to school. His teachers from parent-teacher conference had him last year as well, and they noticed his improvement. He is passing all his classes.
  5. I am thankful and hopeful that my son is taking a new prescription to control his impulsiveness. It may be working. He is not worse, for sure.
  6. I am thankful for my dogs—Velvet and Snowball. They welcome me each day with their "tail wags"and kisses, and they are not ashamed of being seen with me when we are out on a walk.
  7. I am thankful for Marie Callender's frozen pies. I never had them before until this week. The Lemon Meringue and Berry Pies taste so fresh as if I bought them from a bakery. Yum.
  8. I am thankful for Extreme Couponing sites for providing the links and where and when to buy some groceries on sale. Because of them, I could try more varieties of food I did not think of getting before like the frozen pies above.
  9. Halloween prank, parenting blog, thankful, teen job, amusement park
    Daughter working at Amusement
    I am thankful for today, even with the morning irritation from the cops. I got to get out in the nice, cold, sunny weather. There is no snow in the ground which is unusual in Denver for a Halloween morning. My daughter worked today and we got to sit together and talk while she was on a break operating rides.
  10. I am thankful I no longer have to walk from house to house tonight with my teens. They outgrew trick-or-treating. We stay home tonight instead.

What are you thankful for?

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MedSpa Nurse Nurse Volunteer Certified Critical Care Cardiac Surgery


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October 31, 2015 at 9:42:00 PM MDT delete

I remember a cop some how got into a house and the lady was nude. Our police some time sure gets out of hand.
Thanks for visiting...Coffee is on

November 1, 2015 at 3:57:00 AM MST delete

gotta love those dogs! We used to have a Marie Calendar Store near us growing up. We would get the pies fresh from the oven... I am not a pie fan but its not because of that... those were the best ever!

November 1, 2015 at 4:28:00 AM MST delete

"They welcome me each day with their "tail wags"and kisses, and they are not ashamed of being seen with me when we are out on a walk.'
I lol'd at this line, in the best of identifying with the feeling… (here at the Doctrine, we would say, that is a perfect expression of how 'clarks' often feel when out in the world)
glad I read this post

November 1, 2015 at 6:19:00 AM MST delete

Oh, yeah. So you can imagine . . . LOL

November 1, 2015 at 9:51:00 AM MST delete

We once had police knock on our door at 2 am on a worknight looking for a runaway teen. Turned out he wasn't even friends with my youngest - it was the house in front they were looking for. I would have been very angry at the police officers who came into your house - they should have waited outside until you came down.

November 1, 2015 at 6:09:00 PM MST delete This comment has been removed by the author.
November 1, 2015 at 6:13:00 PM MST delete

I never thought having teens would be so challenging. I had more than one disrespectful problem with the police. I always thought they would be helpful. Not necessarily. I can sure relate and hope you get through this time. I, too, hope that this time away was insightful to your daughter and changed her attitude. Glad your son is doing better. It is a rocky road for sure. Hope I can be supportive for you. And I hope your Halloween was enjoyable.

November 1, 2015 at 8:10:00 PM MST delete

We used to eat at Marie Callendar's restaurants when we lived in southern California. The food was so good, and the pies! Oh, the pies! I don't know if the restaurants still exist. I've gotten the frozen chicken pot pies and they were really good. Expensive, but good.

November 1, 2015 at 10:07:00 PM MST delete

The only time I've bought their frozen pies was during a sale with coupon. It was good indeed. My daughter commented though, she likes Banquet better.

November 3, 2015 at 10:41:00 AM MST delete

We probably don't have any Marie Callender's restaurant here in Colorado as well. I found this post.

November 3, 2015 at 1:11:00 PM MST delete

Marie Callender's are still in CA. October was pie month--any whole pie to go for $7.99. Don't ask how I knew that. ;-)

November 3, 2015 at 1:23:00 PM MST delete

I remember eating in Marie Callender's restaurant on the way when I left LA airport to San Diego sometime in 1988. They serve me a colossal serving of vegetable salad I was not crazy about. Pie, I should have just ordered a pie instead.

Pat B
November 3, 2015 at 10:08:00 PM MST delete

I'm glad you didn't spread your cold to your family. What a good thing it is that your son is doing better in school this year. That has got to be a relief to you. It is nice that you could have some 1:1 time with your daughter on her break time. It looks like she has a fun job.

November 3, 2015 at 10:35:00 PM MST delete

Yes, my son is better this year. Just knowing he is in school and not somewhere else I don't know is a big relief.

November 4, 2015 at 6:22:00 AM MST delete

I hope you called and spoke to their supervisors. That's unacceptable.

November 4, 2015 at 9:48:00 AM MST delete

WEll just my kid coming in to say that when I was asleep would have ruined my whole week. So kudos to you for finding the good.

Also The berry pie is one of my favorites.

November 4, 2015 at 9:59:00 AM MST delete

I am training myself to focus on the good. There are always things to be thankful about.

November 4, 2015 at 9:59:00 AM MST delete

I am training myself to focus on the good. There are always things to be thankful about.


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