Ending October and Starting November 2015

Sunday, November 01, 2015 0 Comments A + a -

The month of October ends and so does the volleyball season in school for my daughter's sophomore year. Here is the last video I took. I hope next year she plays again.

On November 2, Monday, she starts the club, and instead of 5-days-a week practice, she will do three. It will be sort of a break considering her last day to work in the amusement park is today, November first. I just pray that she continues to stay busy enough and stay on track.

That's all for the post of the day for the NaBloPoMo. Yes, I am joining again this year, like last year, exactly a year ago. I blogged daily last year in the month of November!

Oh, yeah. Make sure you "fall back" one hour today, Americans. It is Daylight Savings time.

Have a blessed day.

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 and keep them out of trouble. 
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