Give a Lucky Bamboo Plant

Friday, April 24, 2015 0 Comments A + a -

Random Act of Kindness #1: Give a Lucky Bamboo Plant

I decided to start a Random Act of Kindness post, not to brag but to inspire myself and others to do more.  I do not have much money to spend and give away but do I have ten dollars for a lucky bamboo plant.  I gave it to Paul and he loves it.

Lucky bamboo plant with fake orange and
yellow flowers stuck in the middle
(whatever it takes to join the
Orange You Glad . . . )

Do you know that lucky bamboo has special significance in feng shui? Why is it lucky and why would you want one?

1.       It is known as a symbol of strength and vitality.
2.       Its rapid growth without the need for much care makes it a great indoor plant (for people like Paul who does not have time to do those extras like combing his hair). 
3.       It thrives indoors, perfect for homes.
4.       The three stalked-arrangement above represents happiness.
5.       Commonly used in feng shui, it attracts energy or good 'qi.'

It is better when it is gifted to you than if you bought it for yourself.  That is why I gave it to Paul. He can use more luck in his life.  He is already blessed with successful, intelligent, and athletic teens.  Maybe he can have more luck in the form of money, too.  J

What do you think about the lucky bamboo plant?

What random act of kindness have you done this week?

MedSpa Nurse Nurse Volunteer Certified Critical Care Cardiac Surgery

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