Reasons to be Thankful Despite the Burglary

Saturday, April 11, 2015 12 Comments A + a -

My first reaction when I opened my bedroom was confusion. Wow, I have white powder all over the carpet. Where did it come from? From the attic in the closet? Who did this? . .

Wait this is my safe that was in my closet. With hammer and power drill (and hair dryer) out, it is obvious it was force-opened.

But Why? 

Minutes later, the cops came, two of them prying the door open with a bigger hammer and an ax. They were pounding the safe in my bedroom for what-it-seemed-like-an-hour to fully open the safe door. Whoever did this had a lot of guts and determination. I am sure it wasn't easy. The sad part is, I have a strong feeling who did this.

The contents were all gone, of course. Police took parts of the inside for finger printing. After this incident, I had no energy of posting a thankful post. For a moment, I was mad with God. What else is going to be thrown to me? My load is so heavy, I am crawling. My teens are both on a run and not facing their cases in the court that have been dragging on for months. They stopped going to school. They do not contact me in anyway. Their deadbeat dad, my ex husband, does not offer any kind of help but he had the nerve to call and blame me for everything. Yup, the one who failed to give child support since 2009. The one who did not give support in any form to our children while I was not working during cancer treatment all the while I was keeping one hundred percent custody.

I can choose to stay depressed or I can get up. I do have some great friends that lift me up, hold my hands, cheer me up. And then I received an invitation to join this gang again, to write a Saturday thankful post. Who am I to complain? I am not the only one who has problems. We all can get through this.

 Paul got me from my house to sleep up north Friday night. It had been a busy twelve hours at work. Coming home to burglarized house overwhelmed me.  I needed a break. 

In the morning, Paul took me out for breakfast before I went back home in the morning.

To keep my mind busy, I decided to join a marathon challenge, to walk/jog 26.2 miles. I have a chance to win a bracelet tracker.

Look, yesterday I did 3 miles!

I could feel the endorphins flowing through my body. For 53 minutes, I took a break thinking about breathing instead and when would the three miles be over, ha ha.

 Easter was a good day. I don't have little kids to enjoy it with but I liked watching other people's children Easter-Egg hunting. The joy in their faces made me smile.

Peeps is my all-time favorite Easter treat. But better than plain Peeps is the Peeps marshmallow cake. Yumminess overload.

I am a believer of positive effects of scented oils. I have been using the Stress oil lately.

Another walk in the park with two friends.  They are half-marathoners. They were patient enough to jog back and forth to me so I did not feel so behind.

 Thank goodness for books. Reading is my other stress reliever to keep my mind off my problems. Wondering what I am reading? Daring Greatly and The Nightingale. Great books.

Fresh cut flowers are the focal point of my living room.  I bought some seeds for flower planting. In two months, maybe, I don't have to buy flowers from the store.

Here's a selfie after one of my jog-walks. I thank God for my physical health.


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MedSpa Nurse Nurse Volunteer Certified Critical Care Cardiac Surgery


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April 11, 2015 at 5:15:00 PM MDT delete

So sorry about the burglary. ...its so scary and overwhelming. ...and dissapointing if you know who did it. Amazing feat of personal strength to redirect yourself! Hope things continue to improve.

April 11, 2015 at 10:31:00 PM MDT delete

What a horrible thing to have your home burglarized! And quite likely by someone you know! We have an alarm system, and that gives me a lot of peace of mind, but I know it's not for sure that it won't ever happen to me. Glad you're back with your list this week. I hope it helps you in some small way to find some thankfuls.

April 11, 2015 at 11:05:00 PM MDT delete

I used to have an alarm system. The service was one if the things I cancelled to save money. oh well.

April 12, 2015 at 6:02:00 AM MDT delete

good to have friends…not to change things but to offer an alternative place to give you a chance to re-center yourself (after such traumatic events, such as a break-in)
good to see your blog on the collection of TToT blogs this week

April 12, 2015 at 1:18:00 PM MDT delete

Thanks, Clark. I enjoy joining TToT.

April 12, 2015 at 7:02:00 PM MDT delete

Oh, what a week! I'm sorry someone broke in. I'm glad you were able to join us in the TTOT even during such a rough week.

April 12, 2015 at 7:29:00 PM MDT delete

Glad to see you back at the TToT after such a terrible week. A burglary is so scary and unnerving.

If Peeps are you favorite...Have you ever tried roasting them over a fire? We do it every year. Putting them in the middle of s'mores is optional.

April 12, 2015 at 8:53:00 PM MDT delete

Roasting peeps sounds like a tasty idea.

April 13, 2015 at 12:05:00 PM MDT delete

Oh goodness but you have been served with some trials as of late but you stand in the face of adversity and you are winning because you keep going. You keep up the positive thoughts and you keep finding the good things to be thankful for. You will be OK. Your positive attitude will make the difference. Stay plugged into the TToT people, they are the best.


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