Sweet Thankfuls

Monday, May 16, 2016 2 Comments A + a -

So TTot was down for a week
I felt a little empty, I actually missed it
Although I get busy and can't always commit
But just reading other's gratitude is fulfilling indeed
I don't have anything special but here I am again
I collected some pictures not just a few, but 10
I enjoyed Starbucks coffee, Frappuccino, and chai
And if that's not enough, there's other food I tried
Free cinnamon roll from Cinnabon for nurses
Creamy cheese cake and pretty birthday cake to satisfy my senses
My daughter bought me ice cream from Cold Stone one day
I celebrated nurse's week with other nurses last Saturday
It rained yesterday, so at home, I just stayed
It was a sweet week indeed, I'd say it was great

MedSpa Nurse Nurse Volunteer Certified Critical Care Cardiac Surgery


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May 17, 2016 at 8:34:00 AM MDT delete

Cold Stone Coffee Lovers Only is my favorite ice cream. I want some now.

Have a fabulous day. ☺

May 18, 2016 at 12:53:00 PM MDT delete

I don't think I have ever had tried that. I will try it.


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