Little Things

Thursday, April 30, 2015 0 Comments A + a -

Little things count, like this flowers, I bought two weeks ago.  Every fours days or so, I cut the stems and refill the vase with water until the stalks got too short for the long vase. The flowers still look good in a bowl.  It serves as a center piece in the dining table where I see it everyday. They help brighten my day.

Random act of kindness can be little things too, like giving a dollar to someone to a polite man who asked me for it outside the store. I hesitated giving but I thought about my teens all of the sudden.  Are they out begging for money too?  Probably not. Anyway, whatever the man uses that dollar with (I hope it is for food), it is only a dollar.  I felt good handing it to him.

Little things do count.

If you have little things you want to share in writing, go here.

MedSpa Nurse Nurse Volunteer Certified Critical Care Cardiac Surgery

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