Thankful Sunday

Sunday, November 02, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

Thank Goodness to this Rapid Ramen Cooker because I cannot cook Ramen fast enough.

He is thinking hard whether to get this pizza stone or not.  I am thankful for my thinker engineer.

He cannot sing like Miley.  Well, he cannot sing at all but he can stick his tongue weird. Thanks for the laugh you bring out in me.

I thank Dae Gee for the yummy Korean barbeque except that these, we have to cook ourselves. Perhaps, they should thank us for cooking for ourselves?

Thank you, man, for taking me here.

Thank you, Lord, for the blessings.

Thank you, neighbors, for the scary decor.  You scared my dog and it brought laughter out from me.

I thank my dog for forcing me to walk, the only exercise I did today.

Thank you, Snowball, for not complaining about not taking you to the groomer yet.

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