100 Days of Prayer For the Sick, Injured, and Caregivers

Monday, November 03, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

Join 100 Days of Prayer

I receive several mails unrelated to work daily.  Most of which, I ignore.  However, this one caught my attention and I actually participated.

The Catholic Health Association (CHA) as it is turning 100 (in 2015) is also celebrating with 100 Days of Prayer, Nov. 3, today, through Feb. 11 of 2015 for the World Day of the Sick.  People are invited to join the prayer campaign and stop for a minute of powerful prayer for those who are sick, injured, and their caregivers. 

To join the prayer campaign, visit the website chausa.org/100.  You can submit the first names of the sick or injured people, as well as those who take care of them.  Participants will receive an e-mail every Monday with a unique prayer for reflection. 

Here is today's prayer.

As we prepare for the World Day of the Sick, our eyes are open to the sick and suffering sisters and brothers among us. Gracious God, touch the hearts of all who suffer that they might know your healing grace and be comforted. Give strength, wisdom and compassion to the physicians, nurses and all who carry out your healing ministry. We ask this through Christ our Lord. 

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