Nurse's Nighmare

Tuesday, November 04, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

I can handle a code, you know, the chest compressions on a dying patient while the crowd and the noise are around me. I can handle suctioning that tenuous secretion from endotracheal tube, nose, mouth, or trach. Heck, I can easily handle cleaning up vomit. But what I cannot handle is poop on my my body, well, somebody else’s poop, it does not matter whose.

code brown nurse blog comic
When a nurse needs resuscitation for code brown.

Yup, I had poop on my scrub sleeve and my upper arm. I picked up the poop on the floor not realizing, there were some on the side of the bed. My arm touched the soiled part of the bed.

As soon as I realized what I had done, I could not help but say, “OH SH*T, OH SH*T.” I mean literally it is – some – sh*t – on – my –scrub – top!

My face felt hot and I got diaphoretic. I was freaking out. Next thing I knew somebody was wiping my right arm and scrub top with disinfecting wipes. Then, somebody handed me a fresh hospital scrub top.


Only then, I could breathe normal.

The life of a nurse.

I should be used to this by now. But no . . .
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