The Non-Sorrowful Productive Tuesday: How to Be Productive

Tuesday, September 30, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

tickler file busy parent teen blog
Action File
What a day!  I had several things done.  Things slowed down at work today, not a lot of critically ill patients, I guess, so I took the offer of voluntary department time (or time off).

How to Be Productive

fitness blog
A proof of my one-hour walk.
What helped guide me through my day of productivity is my Action file that I made yesterday with the help of the book Getting Organized: Improve Focus, Organization, and Productivity by Chris Crouch.  I learned to make my tickler file functional and easy to use.  I did modify it ending up with only 28 hanging folders instead of 43 (the typical 1-31 files for each day of the month, plus 7 days).  If you look closely, you will see “Worry File.”  I did that instead of making a decorative box, an assignment my therapist suggested I make to drop my worries in.  I will deal with these stresses at a scheduled and limited time.  Another file is the “Life Tools” where I keep my power tools to fight anxiety and depression.  Most of which are handouts I received from my therapies.

I did catch myself wandering in my work website planning to take a required test but I stopped.  The task is not included in my today’s folder to work on today.  Besides, I am at home and not getting paid for my time taking e-learning lessons and taking quizzes, so it’s got to wait.

I love this Google Keep app for
making reminder list.

I did what’s on the folder instead—say the rosary, pay the bills, drop off son’s new prescription glasses to Juvenile Hall (and the Origami book and papers he asked for).  I also included a paper back book entitled Help Yourself for Teens: Real-Life Advice for Real-Life Challenges by Dave Pelzer.  I bought that book for a dollar from a bunch I purchased from a main bookstore that closed.  Now, it may be invaluable.  It may save my son and alter his rebellious mind.  I hope he reads it.

In addition to my action-packed day, among what’s listed on my Google calendar, Google Keep, and Daily Planner book, I completed other tasks.  I  deposited a check, watched my daughter’s volleyball game, and walked for over an hour with my dogs.  Paying the bills was painful, but I did that too. I have to; it’s on the schedule.

Other things I did were pack up my non-royal blue scrubs for donation (we changed to royal blue scrubs since June), did general cleaning in one bathroom, and did the laundry.
I love this Rosary app. I can
even customize it.

Oh, did I say I said the Rosary?  I found an app that I like named the Holy Rosary with two female voices helping along with hymns to help me get through the long 20-something-minute prayers.  There goes the first rosary of nine for Novena for my son.  It is Tuesday, the day for the Sorrowful Mystery, although I can say my day isn't that sorrowful.  "Productive" fits the description better for today.

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