Sunday in Pictures

Sunday, October 05, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

Fitness food blog
Brunch after on-the-go-breakfast
on my way to my chauffeur duty to
take my daughter to volleyball
practice--corn beef hash.

Old man woman asian white blog
It tastes great because I did not have
to cook it.  This guy did.

Then we watched the Broncos game . . . 

Breast Cancer awareness support blog
. . . as they support . . . 

Announcer wearing pink ribbon pin breast cancer blog
. . . the Breast Cancer Awareness month,
that's what.

Broncos support breast cancer awareness pink
Notice that pink . .  . "thing?"

Carin Nurse blogger border collie dog
But crazy Wally did not let me concentrate on
watching the game. "Watch me instead," I think it said.
Carin Nurse blogger border collie dog kissCarin Nurse blogger border collie dog play

donkey woman blog
As if I did not get enough animal
attention today, I took my daughter
to Cider Day in Lakewood the last hour.

donkeys woman blog
The visit is not complete without seeing
the animals.

Camels woman blog
This two are as dark brown as my dog Velvet.

Denver Basilica Catholic church blog
At the end of the day, we went to
Basilica Cathedral church.

Beautiful cathedral church Basilica Denver
I am always amazed by its
beauty every time I come here.

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