Postcard to Teen Son

Sunday, January 17, 2016 3 Comments A + a -

This is my post card to my son
My child, my first one
He's but a few miles away
But behind the bars he stays
He'll be there for 45 days
For running away

I just visited him yesterday
It turned out to be a bad day
He was blaming me for reporting him
The disappearing, the running

"You did not have to report me
I was gonna come back"
(He was gone for a 5 weeks)
(I didn't know where he was at).

So my visit last night
Did not turn out just right
And before it ends up a fight
I left the room and the site.

Sunday Sketches. sketches, drawing, art, postcard

MedSpa Nurse Nurse Volunteer Certified Critical Care Cardiac Surgery


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January 18, 2016 at 8:27:00 AM MST delete

Teens want independence, but really aren't ready for the most part. He was gone a long time. He'll get over this at some point. I hope soon.

Have a terrific day. ☺


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