Valentine's Day Morning

Sunday, February 14, 2016 6 Comments A + a -

This treat awaits for me on my oncology follow up appointment.

Valentine's Day Morn

She forced herself to leave her warm bed
Her body was heavy, the sleepy head
It is Valentine's Day, the day of red
It is also Sunday, to church she headed

She went alone, to the church nearby
Seating on the back and watching the crowd
Most people wore black, some gray, some not
But what she noticed was the color of love

Red tops, red skirts, red pants, and red shirts
Red shoes for little ones, red sweater for the old ones
They made her smile, the scene with the moms
Their daughters, their spouses, and their little sons

It is Valentine's Day
The day of love
The priest ended with the message
Love the God above

It is yet, another hard week. I had to force myself to go to church, let alone to write on my blog. My brain said, I need to do this. So here, I am, and here is my Gratitude List

1. My daughter is getting the treatment that she needs: not from the legal system but from her treatment team of professionals who also works with me to help me help her. One medicine she started on is exactly the same as mine. I just love medicine when it works. She feels herself again and refrained from crying.
2. Velvet and Snowball who keep me company while my teens are away.
3. My son for his hugs when I visited him.
4. The friendly staff at Children's Hospital. Even the guard who stamps my parking permit is very accommodating.
5. My journal that I write on daily. It never complains and it is always there to take whatever I pour from my mind.
6. My primary care doctor for pushing me to exercise. Thirty minutes to one hour of jogging and walking still give me this euphoria despite the other things  going on in my life.
7. Sunday mass that gives me hope. And then, Jehovah's Witness came knocking on my door handing me reading materials to read. They will come back some other time, they said. Hmm. I felt too good to turn them away so I just said, okay.
8. Macadamia chocolates from Paul. There must be a hidden ingredient that makes me want to eat more than one piece, or two, or three . . . 
9. Days off so I can take care or my daughter's situation.
10. Another clean bill of health from my oncology doctor. No trace of cancer!

Ttot, gratitude post

MedSpa Nurse Nurse Volunteer Certified Critical Care Cardiac Surgery


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February 15, 2016 at 4:28:00 PM MST delete

What a wonderful thankful post. Love this. I'm also glad you got a clean bill of health from your oncologist.

Have a fabulous day. ☺

February 15, 2016 at 5:28:00 PM MST delete

Take care of you. You are pulled in many directions, physically and emotionally, and you need to be as healthy as you can be. Congratulations on getting the good report from the oncologist!

Pat B
February 16, 2016 at 12:30:00 AM MST delete

What a nice poem you shared with us! I'm so glad you are able to recognize the good things that are happening in the midst of your challenges. Great news from your doctor!

February 17, 2016 at 7:20:00 AM MST delete

Love the poem - getting out of bed when I'm warm and happy is my least favorite way to start the day. :D
Glad for good news from the doctor and how well you seem to manage all the challenges life hurls at you! Hang in there!

February 17, 2016 at 11:12:00 AM MST delete

Those chocolates sound amazing and you deserve to eat a few extra to celebrate no more cancer.


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