Green Eggplant

Friday, November 27, 2015 3 Comments A + a -

Green not Purple Eggplant
This one is not from my crops. Actually, my broccoli and kale have said "goodbye" for the the cold season. This is a Kermit eggplant. Supposedly popular in Thailand (not in the Philippines, I have not seen it there) US farms do not commonly grow it because it is green (not the typical purple) and it looks so unusual that customers do not buy it. Supposedly, at least, it tastes like an eggplant. 

I did not buy it but maybe next time I will, now that I have looked it up. 

It is over $2.00 a pound. I wish the Asian store I found this in puts it on sale.

Have you tried green eggplant before?

MedSpa Nurse Nurse Volunteer Certified Critical Care Cardiac Surgery


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December 3, 2015 at 9:34:00 PM MST delete

We have these in Melbourne, Carin. With a large multicultural population, we see all sorts of unusual foods!
Many thanks for taking part in the Friday Greens meme.


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