
Thursday, October 22, 2015 0 Comments A + a -

 is the letter of the week. Every once in a while I join the ABCW group and play with words. Here's my song in the tune of Ghostbuster's!

The power's out in my neighborhood.
What I'm gonna do?
Check with neighbor!

Outgoing call, I placed next door.

“Did your power went out?” (“Yes, it did.”)
Oh, OK, neighbor.


I can't turn on the oven or the stove
I can't make oatmeal or pancake, or toast bread.
So I sit my old self by my octagon table
And ate cookie Oreos instead.

Hey, that's not a bad thing. I really had a power outage yesterday for six long hours. I went out to do shopping, took my son to court and back, and soon the power went on again. Now, if my teen daughter comes back too (like the power did), that will be better. It has been four long days.
I try to get my mind off the situation. Oh well.

What are your Os this week?

Please help a teen or two play sports they love
 and keep them out of trouble. 
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