Happy Seven Things To Do on My Days Off

Wednesday, September 02, 2015 2 Comments A + a -

appy days are here. Days off, here I come. I am off from working for three days starting today. I look forward to this just like everybody else. I do like my job but I can use a break away from the numerous tubes at work be it breathing tube, oxygen tube, foley catheter, nasal gastric tube . . .

(Notice I am stressing the letter H. I am participating in ABC Wednesday today).

What do I do in my days off? Here's a few. And if you know me, I don't like to spend much. None of these activities costs much, if at all.

1. Extreme couponing and shopping

My dog and me walking
in the park.
I have been following some couponing blogs for a month now. Here's a few: The Krazy Coupon Lady, Southern Savers, and My Rocky Mountain Mommy. They do the work of coupon-sale match ups. You print and clip the coupons--link and reference given what date of newspaper the coupons can be found. With some helpful tips I learned, I am able to save anywhere from 30 to 100% from my groceries. I average 40% and I am happy with that. With couponing, I am able to buy what my family needs without heavily relying on clearance-only items. It takes time, yes, but the result is rewarding my pocket. It is like a flexible part time job I can do at home (print and clip coupons, and plan what stores to hit when) on my available time.

2. Walking outside with my dogs

This hits two birds in one. I can get my exercise and spend time with my dogs with an activity they love—walk outdoors. Well they like to hop, sniff, pee, and bark at others dogs, too, but mostly, they enjoy walking. If I am not lazy, we walk all the way to the park.

3. Cooking a new recipe

I look up a recipe, usually from Allrecipes.com. I pick up something with at least 4 out 5 stars review. This way, I can cook something new for the family and feed them good tasting food at the same time.

4. Reading an interesting book

I like to read but it is hard for me to find time. I have to do this more often as I love to read and learn something new. This week I am reading a book on how to get out of debt, and Algebra books to help my daughter with her math. Just being able to help her satisfies me that I can do something to help, and not have to pay a tutor.

5. Sleeping in or taking a nap

This is the time to catch up (or bank) on sleep. Who gets enough sleep each and every night?

6. Cleaning up and organizing

The results are, again, rewarding. A clean and organize house is inspiring.

7. Treating myself

A bubble bath, a new lipstick, ice cream from an ice cream shop?

There are many fun and frugal ways to spend the days off, but these are my usual.

 How about you? What do you do on your days off?

Oh, yeah, if you want to read more (and write) on this topic, visit NaBloPoMo for the September's theme on "lessons."

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MedSpa Nurse Nurse Volunteer Certified Critical Care Cardiac Surgery


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September 9, 2015 at 10:39:00 PM MDT delete

I was heavy into the same coupon sites you listed, but recently, all the stores in my area changed their policies so that it almost isn't even worth the effort now. I can't help but wonder if the same shows that taught me how to coupon are the reason why stores are tightening up their policies.

September 10, 2015 at 2:42:00 PM MDT delete

I use coupon almost every visit now. It is still worth for me doing it, but like I said, it is equivalent to a flexible part time. I would pick up a part-time job but it would take away time from my teens and their appointments.


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