The Gift of Light

Thursday, May 14, 2015 0 Comments A + a -

This week my boss gave me (and each of other nurses in the unit) a flashlight for nurse’s week.  What a good idea.  This small flash light makes a wonderful gift.


  1. We, nurses, as doctors do, use it in our patient assessment—to check the mouth, ears, and eyes of our patients.  The flash light above is the perfect size that can fit in our scrub pocket.
  2. It can also easily fit in the glove compartment for all of us, in case of emergency.
  3. It is also small enough to put with a set of keys, making it readily available. I can use it when it gets too dark going home from my jog/walk.
What little thing have you received or given to someone lately?


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MedSpa Nurse Nurse Volunteer Certified Critical Care Cardiac Surgery

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