How to Cure Procrastination

Saturday, January 03, 2015 0 Comments A + a -

Top Ten Reasons to Procrastinate Joke Extra Large Mugs
 by Tannaidhe
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 have been procrastinating for many years and have been thinking on how I can address this bad habit.  My aunt who visits me once in a while complains about it, Paul, my boyfriend complains about, I complain about it, my dogs complain about it . . . OK, not really.  They cannot talk.

But seriously, my taxes are late, my tasks at home gets done under a great deal of stress by the deadline (the last day) . . . I simply have to work on this bad habit of procrastination.

Reasons for procrastination

I am sure others have many reasons.  My reasons are:

1. The task is boring (doing taxes, cleaning the house—I feel like I am being punished).

2. The task will make me upset (doing the bills, balancing checkbook, studying).

3. There are other fun and more satisfying things to do (checking updates in Facebook, watching TV).

4. Impulsivity.  I have trouble keeping focused and motivated on one task at a time.  I get distracted with other tasks and try to do them all.  The ones I ended up doing are the ones I want to do.  Then, I leave behind the boring, unpleasant task.  Hmm, this is similar to number 1.

Tools to Cure Procrastination

procrastination quote
Quote from BrainyQuote.
1. Productivity Apps.  I have Google calendar with appointment reminder, Gmail, to-do-list and reminder, Easily Do virtual assistant, and Evernote digital organizational filing system.  I have just started last month with the last three and so far, they help.  It is a work in progress de-cluttering my life in general though.  In addition, I have to work on getting myself motivated to actually perform the tasks I included in my to-do list.

2. The New Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).  I have the workbook by Hayes, Get out of Your Mind and Into Your Life.  The therapy is supposed to help with committing to what you care about and escape the trap of avoidance, among other things.  I have read up to page eleven.  I will share what I learn later as I progress.

3. Hypnosis.  I will try Put off Procrastination - Tired of Procrastinating?  Hypnosis to End Procrastination by Emery.  It is a 38-minute MP3 and has 4.5 stars in Amazon out of only five customers.  I have not much to lose (except for time) listening to it so it is worth a try.

How about you?  Do you have a problem with procrastination? How do you cure procrastination? What are the things you do to fight it?

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