Do You Love Your Nursing Job?

Saturday, December 20, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

If you love your job, you haven't worked a day in your life. -- Tommy Lasorda, American Journal League, Baseball player/manager

Support socks for nurses, breast cancer logo socks

I never said I love my job . . . have I?  I just like it.

Look at me here with my feet up, nursing/breast cancer support socks on. Not all jobs can wear these socks that rock!

The Benefits of Working as A Nurse

Why do I work as a nurse?

  • It pays for my bills
  • It supports my family (teens and dogs included, and other creatures that may be living in my house)
  • I get to help patients and families (this gives me that happy "high"
  • I get to work with wonderful people (a lot of times)
  • I put enough steps (5,000 to 15,000 steps per shift) that I don't have to work out on a work day

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MedSpa Nurse Nurse Volunteer Certified Critical Care Cardiac Surgery

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