Thursday LOL #1: Let's Laugh Together

Wednesday, November 11, 2015 0 Comments A + a -

I thought it was so cute and thoughtful of my dog, Wally, when a few times I was sobbing, he would come to me and kiss me until I stopped crying. I did not think it was cute anymore when I was happy singing out loud one day, and he rushed to me to kiss me until I stopped singing.


My daughter liked to experiment with my beauty products even as a preteen. When she was eleven, she asked me about this facial cream I bought. I told her the ad says it could make one look ten years younger. She dropped the bottle on my dresser immediately saying, “Oh, no, that is not for me. I don't want to look like a baby!”

I will start writing weekly posts on Thursdays on the things that made me smile to help me focus on the funny things in life. After all, laughter is the best medicine. Will you come, visit, and join me? Link your post here whether it is a picture, a video, a joke, a conversation, a story, or something you heard, seen, or read (that you have permission in sharing).

Let us Laugh Out Loud (LOL) together.
The optional theme for TLOL#1 is : YellowOneA, or Fall. Use one or some of them in your post.

MedSpa Nurse Nurse Volunteer Certified Critical Care Cardiac Surgery

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