Keep Calm and Pray On

Monday, November 17, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

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It is Monday again and since I joined the Catholic Health Association’s (CHA) 100 Days of Prayer , I ask that you to pray with me for the 2015 100th anniversary of the founding of the CHA. 100 Days of Prayer is the inaugural event of the association's Centennial observance.

This week’s prayer is for “Persons Suffering as a Result of a Natural Disaster.”

GRACIOUS GOD, WE PRAY FOR ALL THOSE SUFFERING FROM THE RAVAGES OF NATURAL DISASTERS. Grant them encouragement, strength, fortitude, patience and insight as they struggle with their many losses — material, physical, emotional, and personal — and begin to pick up the pieces and create a new future for themselves, their families, and their community. Be for them a beacon of unwavering hope and confidence that there can and will be a better day. Surround them with your love and the love and compassion of others that they might be sustained in this time of trouble. We ask this through the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes and in the name of your Son, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. AMEN. 

Prayer Works: Keep Calm and Pray On

Today I said goodbye to a patient and his family before they leave the hospital for a few hours trip back to his home. It is that family I asked one night  to keep calm and pray on, “to keep it together” and “be strong for him” as he battles complications of stupid cancer. It was that night I was hanging blood left and right (literally).

Father G came and prayed with them. All of a sudden, the room filled with silence and I felt the calm on my skin. I am so glad we have chaplains to do this very important task that we, nurses, do not have time for.  We have to hung units of blood, give and adjust life-saving drips, call the doctor for orders . . .

His wife thanked me for "saving his life" from the first night. Life? It is now day three since then and he is going back to the peace of his home for hospice care. God bless all of them. I hug his wife goodbye. What a nice family. Despite the horror, they all managed to thank me, to thank us.

Perhaps, we bought them more days to spend quality time together. At least he is not physically hurting . . . yet.

I admire his whole family.

Keep calm and pray on.  Didn't I say that to them?

I should practice that myself because my anxiety is building up as the day of my son's sentencing is approaching. Will he get sent back to me after the court? My out-of-control kid who just recently broke his bond while he was with me? What am I going to do with him?

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