Parenting Defiant Teens: Have a New Teenager by Friday

Wednesday, November 12, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

Teen in Juvenile Hall Violated Bond
At least, that is what I hope my son is thinking for
violating bond requirements. *sigh*
My son goes back to juvenile detention after violating his bond. (It is sad. He did not even acknowledge my presence in the courtroom today. I know he looked back to see if I entered the room but that was it).

My daughter, currently, is on probation. Both have minor offenses. Both defy house, school, and community rules. Both makes me want to miss the times they were toddlers, the wonderful non-terrible-compared-to-now-diaper-years. I rather have those compared to this life--frequenting the courthouses.

Hope With Parenting Defiant Teens

It is not too late. They are both alive. I have purchased Dr. Leman’s Kid book before but did not follow it consistently. Now that my tweens are teens, I will try his recommendations again. I really have to work on my consistency and follow a good book reviewed by many-- Have a New Teenager by Friday. I am currently up to reading Day 5, Friday.  I know it will take me more than five days to transform my parenting. I started having trouble disciplining my kids when my son entered middle school. Shortly after, my daughter started acting up too. Both had small legal troubles. The problems, then, remain plus more now, two years later.

I will write more on my quests on renewed way of disciplining my teens later.

Stay tuned.

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