From Mad to Sad: Calming Negative Feelings

Monday, November 10, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

Anger Issues Mad Woman Yelling Blog

It started out fair, my day, that is.  I just lost a day’s pay.  I called in to work that I cannot make it today. 

My daughter needed to go to the orthodontist for a loose bracket and wire poking the inside of her cheeks.  

It had been two weeks.  Between my schedule and Dr. Ortho’s who works for Perfect Teeth Monday and Fridays only (not even that, more like sporadically for me, I just found out), I could not get her in earlier.  Dr. Ortho has vacation (like twice a month), has  meetings, works in no-one-knows-where-other office.  Whatever.  Her supposed-to-be back up orthodontist in another location refused to see my daughter earlier because it was “not an emergency.”

“So what is emergency in orthodontia?”  I asked the receptionist on the phone.

“Tootache, infection, bleeding . . . “

“Oh, so brackets or wires poking in the cheek is not one of them?”

“No, sorry.”

The fix took five minutes of the dental assistant’s time.  The orthodontist did not even come out to see her so I asked the assistant to tell the Dr. Ortho I need to speak to her in private. “I am very upset,” I said.

When I turned "Incredible Hulk"

She came out shortly.  She talked to my daughter, not recognizing my presence, asking how my daughter was doing . . . 

I guessed we were not speaking in private so I spilled my anger in the common room with other patients and parents.

I told her in not-so-calm voice it was not acceptable to leave my daughter without help when she was not available.  In short, she apologized and told me she will talk to the other orthodontist who refused to help my daughter.  I will also get a discount, she says, for my daughter’s discomfort and trouble.

My anger turned to sadness when I got home.  My son’s probation officer notified me that he would have my son arrested for violating his bond and probation requirements (not leaving the house).  My son wears an ankle monitor, so he has a record of my son leaving out of range.  It was beyond my control.  I wish I could handcuff my son to the wall as I sleep or work but I could not.  So back to the Juvenile Hall he goes as he wait for his court date.  *sigh*

So at home I pray.  I pray for my son’s safety  and healing.  I include my daughter as well.

Since I joined the Catholic Health Association’s (CHA) 100 Days of Prayer, I included this prayer too.  Please pray with me for the 2015 100th anniversary of the founding of the CHA. 100 Days of Prayer is the inaugural event of the association's Centennial observance.

Here is the prayer for the week of  Nov. 10, 2014

For Persons Suffering from War 

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.  Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.
John 14:27

Gracious God, we pray for all persons suffering from war.  May they be held in your loving care and protection and given the strength to endure great suffering and hardship.

Transform the hearts and minds of all those who perpetuate violence and oppression.  Grant wisdom to world leaders in advancing efforts toward world peace; May they not be compromised by self-interest and blind indifference.  We ask all this through the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes and in the name of your Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever.  Amen.

Calming Negative Feelings

I did not do much today.  I just made comics.  Comics calms me down as well as tweaking this blog. Sounds immature? Well, it works for me.  Better than drinking alcohol, yes, or crying like crazy.

May you all have a good day.  What are you praying for today?

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