Reasons to Be Thankful in Hard Situations

Saturday, November 29, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

    “It is impossible to feel grateful and depressed in the same moment.”  -- Naomi Williams
    In that case, I choose to feel grateful than sulk in depression.  I want sunshine over me, not dark clouds. To help encourage myself to stay in that thankful state, I participated in the challenge “Ten Things Thankful.”  I admit, it served as a big challenge for me as every day, one or both of my teens pull something that pushes my buttons.  However, looking back, I do see at least ten things to be thankful.  The pictures I have taken with my mobile phone helped trigger my memory.  They helped me remember the good things that happened recently.

    Here they are, the ten reasons why I feel grateful.

    "It has been a long axion of mine that the little things are infinitely the most important."-- A. Conan Doyle

    Free pumpkin cupcake on a busy weekend at work just fills the spot.

"How many things are there which I do not want?"
-- Socrates
(To which I answer to the question which I do not want--the mess in the background).
My excuse for the mess?  I worked all day. See, I am still wearing my scrubs.
But thank goodness I have a job.

"When your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme. When you wish upon a star, your dreams come true."-- Ned Washington and Leigh Harline 
My dream is when my teens grow independent and on their own, I can be with this guy.

"It's the simple joys, the simple pleasures the heart remembers and dearly treasures."-- Hadin Marshall
Thanks, Paul,  for sharing with me (and your kids) this yummy fondue.

"Young and old come forth to play on a sunshine holiday."-- John Milton
I thank my daughter for making this moist Pumpkin Spice cake for Thanksgiving.

"Recipe for success: Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing."-- William A. Ward
How about cook when everybody (including myself) lay their heads to sleep?
I thank you, too, slow-cooker.  We had hot soup on Thanksgiving morning.

I thank the dog park for serving as a large plays-cape for my active dogs.  Here, they could run free without leash.

"Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet."--Colette
I thank my dogs who love me no matter what mood I wear on my face. Here, Velvet and Snowball cuddled with me as I read.  I think they liked listening to Have a New Teen By Friday book.  They think, maybe, the kids will walk them longer after I change daughter and son by Friday.

I thank the coupons for letting us eat out on this restaurant while I live on a tight budget.
I thank Belmar for making my drive home feel like Jesus' birthday is coming soon with the festive lights up in the air.  Soon, it is time for the great celebration.

"The secret of happiness is to count your blessings--not your birthdays."-- Anonymous

This weekend, looking back the past few days, I found ten reasons to be thankful.  I am thankful for the things both big and small--desserts, my job, my man, my daughter, my dogs, the coupons, and the beautiful ambiance surrounding me.

How to be thankful in hard situations

My advice for this is, take pictures around you.  It will help you remember the pleasant things in life.

Can you easily think of ten things to be thankful for this week?


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