Enough Already, Another Breast Cancer Campaign

Sunday, October 19, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

ctober is Breast Cancer Awareness (BCA) month. I have been touched, personally, with the disease, and several of my family members, so I choose to join the month thinking pink.

Support Breast Cancer research
I just bought stuff I need-- resusable bag
from Dollar Tree and a Swiffer mop from
Walmart today in  support to Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer Awareness products you can wear or use
Three years ago, I had my very first mammogram (October 2011). I heard over the phone from my doctor’s office that my mammogram and biopsy both show positive for breast cancer. Several chemotherapy treatments and doctor’s appointments after that, I write here today, about the Breast Cancer Awareness Month while on remission.

October is my anniversary and it is a great month to get informed about prevention and treatment.

An Easy Way to Help Breast Cancer Patients 

Yes, this is another Breast Cancer campaign. But I am not asking you to dump a bucket full of ice water over your head and video tape yourself for the Facebook world to see. I am just saying that we all, even men and women not touched in their lives by the disease, can help by purchasing products that support BCA research. Brands with the pink breast cancer ribbon may also help just put awareness out there that breast cancer is still a problem killing millions of women. Look for the pink ribbon. Walmart has them. Dollar Tree has the breast cancer theme on several items like bottled water, bags, bracelet, candies, and pens. Amazon and Zulily has products on breast cancer awareness too you can get online.

We need to continue fighting to find the cure. So join me in retail therapy, big or small, pamper or hydrate yourselves, or clean your house. Whatever it is you can purchase to help the cause, please do. You will be helping others, us, breast cancer victims as well.


Nothing to do with BCA, but today is Sunday and my day off.  I should have attended the mass in church but today, I chose to attend the Holy Mass online with my teens (and three dogs) in the house.  My son still dons his ankle monitor and he is not allowed to go anywhere yet besides school.  It is not the same but I felt good that we could do it together as a family.  My daughter listened attentively.  My son went to the bathroom, ate breakfast, sat as far away as possible, but remained quiet all along without his earphones and cellphone.  I wanted to get mad, but we were trying to (at least my daughter and I) get something from the mass so I let it go. I just simply rewound the mass a few minutes back (the convenience of online video mass).

After that we went to a pumpkin patch to pick a sole pumpkin to carve. We got a small one. It is
seven dollars.  My daughter and I realized, it is much cheaper in Walmart, around $4 but the purchase in the pumpkin patch also donates towards the Habitat for Humanity. Besides, the Walmart pumpkins we saw were disfigured and bruised badly compared to our "almost-flawless" pumpkin.

Off topic (and not pink), but also orange, Denver Broncos won against 49ers tonight.  My son was watching the game, I was only checking the scores.  I told him to phone his dad in San Francisco to piss him off about his dad's team losing, that "dad" should quit wearing 49'ers jersey shirt, but he didn't. My defiant child. :)
  • The Great Pumpkin Patch
    9277 W. Alameda Ave., Lakewood, CO 80215 
  • October 8 - October 31, 10 am to dusk

How about you? Have you gotten your pumpkin yet? How about a pink-ribboned item?

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