Who Let The Food Out

Saturday, December 19, 2015 8 Comments A + a -

Life Lessons From a Procrastinator

I was commenting about the basket of cheese to my co-workers one day saying . . .

 "This [cheese] have been sitting here [on the table] for a long time. Too bad. They are good cheese too."

"Yeah, they were probably out overnight."

I then opened the fridge to grab my lunch. No lunch. Oops.

"My lunch bag must be in my locker."

With my coworkers laughing, one said, "Talk about leaving the food out."

I was thinking talk-about-rushing-this-morning-to-work. I did not have time to put my food in the fridge in the lunch room which is clear at the end of a very long hall. I told myself I would retrieve it from the locker earlier but I forgot.

Because of Procrastination

  • I have rushed myself to work sometimes to get there on time. There are always something to be done at home like wake the sleeping teens to school and reminding them of tasks. Stuff like that.
  • I have been late to some of my commitments anywhere from one minute to fifteen minutes.
  • My son missed his doctor's appointment as I did not check my calendar one day.
  • I was late picking up my daughter one day and she got really upset. How late? Twenty minutes.

They are a big deal because it is not okay to be late especially there are people depending on me. Aside from my children, the people I am meeting are being inconvenienced.

How to Beat Procrastination

I really need help. I have tried some books on productivity and getting things done, and although I learned from them, I have not applied them long term. I want to be reliable and a good example for my teens who I can see have major procrastination problem. Or is it just because they are teens? In any case, I still want to set a good example for them. If I do not change for myself, I should at least change for others, especially my family.

So what should I do?

  1. Reread the books on productivity. I still have them on Kindle I bought more than two years ago. Use what I have. I need a review.  They are good resources. But I need to create and apply the good habits and break the bad.
  2. I already have Google Calendar. I should just check it everyday to plan my day.
  3. Try some productivity apps already reviewed and rated high by many users. Why apps? I have my phone all the time so the apps would be available to me all the time.

I will start tomorrow. No this is not a part of my procrastination. I will really start on 12/20/2015. It will be the beginning of my productive days. You will see. Also tomorrow I will start mentioning specifics on what apps and other tools I will use.

Do  you have a favorite productivity app or tool you regularly use? What do you like about it?

MedSpa Nurse Nurse Volunteer Certified Critical Care Cardiac Surgery


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December 20, 2015 at 6:09:00 AM MST delete

Heeheehee! Yep, i've left things out, too, and it's always at the worst possible time. One thing i've tried to train myself to do is keep things in a habit and a sequence, so i'm doing something at the same time and in the same order each day.
Have you ever read about Structured Procrastination? Type it into a google search and you will find the website, i've read it and it does help. (No, i do not get paid to endorse the author of the original essay about it.)

Agent 54
December 20, 2015 at 6:35:00 AM MST delete

Procrastination itself is not a bad thing, as long as you allow time for it.

December 20, 2015 at 8:34:00 AM MST delete

What Timothy said. It's a bugger and always has been.

Welcome to Silly Sunday.

Have a fabulous day. ☺

December 20, 2015 at 8:44:00 AM MST delete

LOL, I've done that too. So how is the non-procrastination thing going today? If you are sitting at the computer, that's a bad sign.

December 20, 2015 at 9:32:00 AM MST delete

My case is pretty bad. Filing tax late, etc.

December 20, 2015 at 9:33:00 AM MST delete

Thanks. Silly Sunday is a fun team. Will do this again to help me watch for the "fun" in life.

December 20, 2015 at 9:35:00 AM MST delete

Haha. I am here in front of my computer checking Google Calendar, changed an alarm clock app on my phone that I can program ahead of time to not alarm at 5 a.m. on my days off. Will log off soon. I have a Stay Focused extension on my computer that limits my internet time to 1 hour a day. How about that? Thanks for the reminder. :)


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