Thursday LOL #2: My Kids and I

Tuesday, November 17, 2015 0 Comments A + a -

Ordinary Days That Made Me Smile

Can you remember some conversation that just stick to you?

She is so . . . 

We were in the recreation center one day by the pool waiting for my son's swimming lessons, when an older lady walked in front of us in her bathing suit.

My son who was 3 at that time, with not-so-inside voice, exclaimed in disbelief, “Mom, look, she is so ___.” 

I put his pointing hand down and suddenly I felt so hot on my face. I wanted to disappear like magic.

And Then There's . . . 

Recently, my teen daughter told me, she went to a friend's house. She was looking at the pictures on the wall and noticing how good looking those people are. And with almost sad voice, she said,

“And then, there's (her friend's name)'s pictures.”

“I hope you did not say that out loud.”

“No mom, I was just thinking . . . “

I guess my kids are growing up in some ways. :)

Your turn.


MedSpa Nurse Nurse Volunteer Certified Critical Care Cardiac Surgery

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