The Value of Handwritten Letters

Friday, November 07, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

One of the things I like receiving from work (besides cookies, chocolates, donuts, bagels, and other food gifts) are gratitude letters and thank you cards. A thank you card welcomed me one day as I checked my work mailbox. A daughter of a patient wrote it and I heard she wrote personalized cards and message not just for me but for numerous staff in the unit as well. She wrote what it was that I did she especially liked and was thankful for—for listening to her and checking on her, not just on her mother.

Over the years, I thought about writing such kind of handwritten message in a form of a letter or cards. It was much easier to send a thank-you e-mail or Facebook post thanking everyone. I thanked the people who helped me through breast cancer ordeal this way but I should mail or deliver by hand real cards and letters too.

Why Send a Handwritten Message?

This form weighs more to me than the electronic forms. Perhaps, others feel the same way. They touch me in a deeper way, usually so profound.

This coming holiday I will take time sending cards to several people to thank them.

How about you, do you treasure cards and letters more than the electronic forms like e-card and Facebook posts or messages?
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