Autumn Treats

Wednesday, October 08, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

Nurse treats from hospital starbucks nurse blog
Pumpkin muffin with cinnamon-y
chai Latte

It's the pumpkin season. I got to redeem my overdue work anniversary gift from work. I chose pumpkin muffin and Chai Latte.  It was good.

Hospital Nurse Week Nurse Blog
I finally redeemed my seven-year
anniversary gift from work.  Autumn
treats from Starbucks did not

Today was another court day for my son. I mentioned before, my son and I did not qualify for public defender. So, because he said to the judge he still wants an attorney, she assigned him a lawyer on the spot, to my expense, of course, even though I don't want to hire one. The bill will come later, I'm sure.

fondue french colorado date woman blogThe lawyer helped, and in minutes, my son was pleading guilty to one of the charges. The other two were dropped. Good deal for him. The judge needs some time for sentencing. I decided to bail him out at this  point. He will not likely run again because of the reduced charges. I was wishful thinking. She told him this is his chance to show compliance and goodness before she decides on the sentence. While on bond, he could only go places with me, or be in home or school. He has to obey all rules of the house and the community.
fondue french colorado old lady blogHe went home with me tonight and we had a mini reunion--just my daughter, him, the dogs, I, and Paul. Later on, Paul and I went by our original plan to eat in fondue restaurant to celebrate our four years of dating. It is four months overdue but because of the chaos in the family, we put it on hold.

We did not have the typical autumn meal but everything tasted good, indeed.

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