Gobble Global 5K

Thursday, November 26, 2015 0 Comments A + a -

I am doing the 5 K challenge with Runkeeper.  Looking out, the road is black iced, so I am figuring, I am doing it indoors with stationary bike. The event will take place on December 6. 

Let's do it. It won't cause you anything, except, you'd shed some calories.

I also decided to revisit Noom Coach to track my food intake and jot down my activities. My goal is to lose 15 pounds. I have not set a goal as to the length of time. But it is a good start. I am starting with the free version in Android.

Gobble up your turkey and get fit. They can be done together. Let the the happy hormones going. I know it will help me with my family blues I am dealing with lately.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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