
Thursday, March 12, 2015 0 Comments A + a -

Time flies when I'm . . . extremely busy, not having fun but taking care of business.  I got my daughter out of juvenile detention with a new ankle monitor (she cut the last) and we started intensive outpatient therapy starting yesterday.  

Already she had a rough day in the beginning of the week with the first day me picking her up from the school office.  She had and angry outburst and yelled at everyone just before I got there to pick her up.

When we got home, I suggest that she call the teenage hotline to get help dealing with her emotions.  I have told her about the calming benefits of meditation before but because it was coming from me as a "mom," she did not pay attention.  Now that the hotline counselor told her about it, she is interested.

Up above is a meditation for nurses and other busy people, teens and adults.

Keep calm and meditate.


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MedSpa Nurse Nurse Volunteer Certified Critical Care Cardiac Surgery

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