My Day of Kisses, My Kid, Khaki, and Korte

Wednesday, March 25, 2015 0 Comments A + a -

orte (or court in English) has always been an intimidating place for me—from traffic court to my divorce, I never was comfortable when I find myself inside the courtroom.

A view from the first floor of
the court house. It is starting to
snow outside.
Today, I found myself back in the courtroom for my teen daughter's court day. I showed up business casual with a pair of khaki pants,  cotton blend purple top, and my good old brown leather Dansko shoes.  My kid had her denim pants on and a hoodie sweat shirt.  Looks play some role in appearing credible but knowing that compared to a month ago when she did not even show up, her presence this time, however street-casual, was better than no presence at all. I had to keep quiet and pick my battles with this kid with an immature mind facing not-for-kids charges. *sigh*  Sweat shirt was fine. Then she complained how cold she was when we were outside in the parking lot. She did not have a jacket on. Hah!

Colored or black and white, snow is beautiful to capture.
This one is taken from the third floor hallway of the courthouse.

The day ended okay.  I went to a class for work after court, then to my doctor, then off I went to the pharmacy.  Finally, I got home and got showered with kisses by my dogs. It was on OK day.

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