What the F – Wednesday

Wednesday, February 18, 2015 0 Comments A + a -

Ha-ha, it is not what you think.  My F today is all about positivity, fun, or calm.  I have a few things of F to share with you today.  Wonder what they are?  I promise, they are e-FF-ing good.

Fear and anxiety consumes me (again) since my sixteen-year old son ran away for the 20th-something time.  Beyond reporting, it and trying to reach out, I can either stay in fear about what if something bad happened to him or do something about my feelings.  I started to practice anxiety-reducing techniques to deal with this stressful situation.  One of them is meditation.  Another is art.  

I rediscovered colored pencils I have in a shoe-box for years and I bought some water-soluble pencils and brushes.  I notice that when and after I draw a piece, my breathing is more relaxed and I experience this sense of well-being that is hard for me to explain. 

colored pencil art, flower
Here is one flower of some kind that I drew with an old box of cheap pencils.

colored pencil art with Prisma water soluble colored pencils
Here is another flower I drew using a more expensive set of pencils.

Speaking of flowers, here is another.  I received it from work and from the Daisy Award Foundation. A family member of a patient (I assume not the patient because I tend to get very sick patients in intensive care who can hardly breathe, let alone write) nominated me for the Daisy Award for being “extraordinary nurse” and doing “all that was possible.”   
Daisy award pin
I received this Daisy flower pin for being nominated as a good nurse.

Speaking of nursing work, my job would be too hard if I do not have a stethoscope that works.  Here is a brand new one I ordered online that just came today, another fuchsia.  My other one broke.  

I wanted to post only five pictures to go with the letter f theme so I will not include the one of the fishmeal I have been having this week so far.  
Fish again?  my daughter asked.  
Oh well, I love fish.
Milk fish meal
Fish looks good, right, right? 

See, F's are good for me today, friends.  How about you?  Do you have any fs to share? You can see the links here to see what others shared.


MedSpa Nurse Nurse Volunteer Certified Critical Care Cardiac Surgery

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