What to Do After a Hectic Day at Work

Monday, December 22, 2014 0 Comments A + a -


It has been the busiest day, last Sunday, as day after our big move from our old hospital to the next. We moved last December 13, 2014. I know, what a period of the year to move, right? I don’t understand the day selection but there we go.

Denver Downtown, a view closer,
when I actually stepped out
the car.
The day of the move went smoothly (we were overstaffed) but after that (even if still overstaffed), I would lie if I say the experience has not been difficult.  I am stressed for having everything new—the bed, the monitors, the call light system, the alarm system . . .  You'd think it should not matter much, but it does.  Too much of a new thing is overwhelming to me.

De-stressors that you can do 

• Change your scene to de-stress.  

I do this in two ways.  I take my break, not in the nurses lounge anymore, but downstairs in the cafeteria overlooking the patio.  (It is too cold to be out there.  Just the imagination that I was out there refreshed me).  The noise from the call lights and bed alarms (attached to the our new lounge) served as torture to my ears, so I had to remove myself.

Another thing I do to change my ambiance is to go through a different route on the way home, just to pass by a scenic route—the busy downtown Denver.  I like seeing the Christmas lights.  They keep my mind off the stress at home and at work.

Every year during the holiday season, the Denver City and County Building is decked out in Christmas lights, not only for the city and county employees to see (they may not be there, anyway, because the lights get turned on at 6 p.m.) but for the nearby Colorado residents.  Just watching the nice view (and the road, of course, for safety) soothes my soul.

• De-stress by praying.  

Praying is like a meditation to me.  It helps me live through the challenges I face especially with parenting my teens.

More About Prayers

It is Monday-new-prayer-for-the-week day. As Christmas is fast approaching and Broncos may be losing the game tonight, so it seems to Bengals, let us take some time and pause, not to reach for that bottle of beer, or that bite of nachos, but to offer prayers for peace and healing this week, again, for the sick, injured, sick or injured — particularly those who suffer from Alzheimer's disease and dementia — as Christmas may not be a day of happiness. This season, as on ordinary days, these people need our love, care, and prayers.

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100 Days of Prayer culminates at 1 p.m. on Feb. 11, 2015, World Day of the Sick, when the people who have joined this prayer campaign will stop for one powerful minute of collective prayer for healing.  World Day of the Sick is an annual observance, initiated by Pope John Paul II, coinciding with the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.

2015 will also mark the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Catholic Health Association.  100 Days of Prayer is the inaugural event of the association's Centennial observance.
 Here is the prayer for the week of Dec. 22, 2014

Prayer For Persons Suffering with Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia 

Defend the lowly and fatherless; render justice to the afflicted and needy. Rescue the lowly and poor; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
JOHN 10:14-15

Loving God, Healer and Comforter,
we pray for those who suffer from the anxiety, ambiguity and confusion of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. Look with mercy upon their distress, confusion or isolation. Shelter them where dignity and peace abound. Grant them understanding helpers and the willingness to accept help. In the face of loss of memory and control, increase their confidence in your love and strengthen their care-givers. As the Good Shepherd, tend to the sick, rest the weary, pity the afflicted, soothe the suffering and bless the dying. We make this supplication through the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes, in the name of your Son, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

 Change your scene as needed.  Keep calm and pray on.  Breathe, work, cook. whatever you have to do.

Take care of yourself.
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