Saying Goodbye to Old Place of Work

Wednesday, December 10, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

Tweet: Saying goodbye doesn't mean anything. It's the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it. -- Trey ParkerSaying goodbye doesn't mean anything. It's the time we spent together that matters, not how we left it.     Trey Parker  

breaking down old building, nurse blog

 We are moving on Saturday, from the old hospital to the new.  It will be a bittersweet goodbye.  I know it's time to have a new building but I fell in love with this old hospital somewhat.  I decided to write it a farewell letter.

Dear Old Hospital,

On Saturday, I will be saying goodbye to you for the last time.  It will be my last working day with you.

Sure, we have parted ways before, but it was only temporary on my rare time off away from work. We said goodbyes when I was sick with cancer, and when I went camping, long driving back and forth to California, Illinois, Nevada . . . I ached for your special aroma when I was away.  Knowing you were still there for me was comforting and I counted the days until I would be with you again.

hospital hallway

Oh, but on Saturday, it will be different.

This will be farewell forever.

On Saturday, you will be empty.  There will be no patients left, no fellow nurses, and other co-workers.

I can still remember my first weeks with you in intensive care unit, my first code, my first chest compressions . . .

Am I being too sentimental about saying goodbye to you?

hospital hallway

You were the second hospital I worked at, but my first love as a hospital.  Even after working through an agency part-time and seeing other hospitals, you are the only hospital I thought of working at until retirement.  The hours I spent with you since 2007 walking the halls, climbing the stairs, working both night shifts, and day shifts, taking care of vulnerable patients . . .

This is it, old hospital friend.  Our time together soon will be through and I am feeling such a strange case of sorrow.

I just wanted to make sure you know how much I loved you, how much I loved that you loved all my special people: the sick, the nurses, the techs, the therapists, the residents, the doctors, and other staff. Thank you for giving all of us a place to connect and meet all the seven years I was with you.  Thank you for letting me grow as a nurse.  I will never forget you.

The new hospital to replace you, however the same name and beautiful, won't be exactly like you.  It cannot replace the experiences I had with you.

Your nurse,

Can you share a similar experience, say to an old house or former school?

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