Happy Songs Help in Coping

Friday, December 05, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

Make Happy Postcard
harrell Williams’ “Happy” Song is certainly in my Happy list.
In this song, I imagine, I am the singer singing in front of my kids chin up and ears plugged with ear phones. This is the case especially after I disable their Wi-fi access at home or confiscated their phones as a consequence for violating rules.
Here come bad news talking this and that 
Well, give me all you got, and don't hold it back . . .
Well, I should probably warn you I'll be just fine . . .
No offense to you [pointing finger to my kids], don't waste your time
(Here's why)
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I'm happy . . . 

The Beatles’ song "Here Comes The Sun" is another music, however very old song, that is in my list. In this song, I imagine, Paul is singing to me on my low days, his shoulders there for me to lean on.

Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it's all right
Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun
And I say it's all right . . . 

When Happy Songs Help

Happy songs help me cope with my hardship dealing with my teens by playing the songs in my head, alone. Parenting two teenagers as a single parent is difficult.  Both my teens are in probation for misdemeanor. My son met his new probation officer yesterday for the first time since all his cases ended.  He had already violated some terms of the probation before our first meeting.  I feel overwhelmed and exhausted.  When one or both my children sneak out of the house, for example, I still try to look for them, often going home defeated, then going to bed just laying there, and hoping that the police will find them, that they are OK.  Then I play happy songs in my head, or imagine things will be alright.  I

When they are gone, I dread who they were with.  I wonder where they are.  In addition, I am afraid to learn what they are really doing.  I have both of them back in the house now but with a threat that eventually, they may have to be placed out of home where it is locked up, a step before juvenile detention.

I have been applying the suggestions from Have a New Teen by Friday.  It is still too early to say if it is working or not working.  My teens definitely did not change in a week’s time.  I will keep trying.

For the meantime, I have to psych myself to feel happy.  I get the music playing in my head.  I have to cope.  Somebody has to stay strong and be a parent.

My teens, however defiant, need me.

Do you sing music in your head to cope?
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