Get Out and Chill Out

Saturday, November 15, 2014 0 Comments A + a -

poodle dog snow popular woman blog
Snowball refuses to take more steps away from the back door and into the snow.

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Velvet is contemplating whether to play in the snow or not.

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Who else is still harvesting crops besides me?

Playing in the snow can be fun if it's warm enough. Today is another cold day, brr. Even my dogs refused to stay out long to play. They squat/raise leg and do their business within seconds, then run back into the house. But when temperature rises, I am sure they will spend more time in the snow to play.

Go out and chill out

My teens are too old now but parents with the young ones should head out and chill out.  This is one of the cheap fun I used to do with my kids when they were small. Oh how I miss those days making snowman, snow angels, and other snow sculptures with them.  They even helped me shoveling snow with their mini shovels.  Talk about tricking them to do chores!

What else can you use for snow toys?

Get some toys with your little ones out there.  Check this out! This one is available for a limited time only. 

What can you do with Snow Sculpture kit.

Sale Snow Sculpture Kit Cheap Fun Winter
$12.99. Available on sale for a limited time while supplies last.

  1. Give kids the crayons to decorate the white snow canvas. Mess free
  2. Play Tic-tac-toe.
  3. Use the snow molds and carvers to build snowman, robots, whatever. Heck, it even includes a waterproof instructions.

What are you doing in  the snow these days?

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